Check out our Coaches LIVE Semifinals 2024 Strategy Call
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Here are the time stamps for each topic:
1:30 - Coaches thoughts on workout
5:30 - Workout 1
14:00 - Workout 2
20:40 - Workout 3
26:47 - Workout 4
35:00 - Order of Workout
CrossFit® Age Group Semifinals 2024 Workouts
50-calorie row
9 snatches, weight 1
50-calorie row
6 snatches, weight 2
50-calorie row
3 snatches, weight 3
Time cap: 20 minutes
16-44 divisions
♀ 115, 135, 155 lb (52, 61, 70 kg)
♂ 165, 195, 225 lb (75, 88, 102 kg)
14-15, 60-64, 65+ divisions
♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)
45-49 division
♀ 95, 115, 125 lb (43, 52, 56 kg)
♂ 145, 165, 185 lb (66, 75, 83 kg)
50-54 division
♀ 85, 105, 115 lb (38, 47, 52 kg)
♂ 135, 155, 175 lb (61, 70, 79 kg)
55-59 division
♀ 75, 95, 105 lb (34, 43, 47 kg)
♂ 115, 135, 155 lb (52, 61, 70 kg)
- Start seated on the rower with your hands off the paddle.
- At “Go,” row 50 calories.
- Then, complete 9 snatches at the first weight (lightest).
- Row another 50 calories.
- Next, complete 6 snatches at the second weight.
- Row a final 50 calories.
- Finally, complete 3 snatches at the third weight (heaviest).
- Your score will be the total time it takes you to complete the event.
- In the event of a time cap, your score will be the total number of reps completed before the 20-minute cap.
You will be penalized if:
- Your video submission does not clearly show all measurements and loading on camera.
- Any part of the rower is less than 5 feet from your barbell.
- You have your hands on the paddle of the rower before “Go.”
- You do not reset the rower between rounds.
- For safety, the barbell must be placed at least 5 feet away from the rower.
- Record the time after each set of 50 calories. In the event of a tie, the athlete who completes their last 50 calories faster will win the tie.
- If the event is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreak.
- If you reach the time cap on the row, your score will be recorded when the rower comes to rest. You may receive assistance resetting the rower between rounds.
- You may receive assistance loading the bar between rounds, or you may set up multiple bars. Gymnastics grips may NOT be used.
- Score is due by Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.
- Snatch can be Power or Squat
- Barbell, plates, and collars
- Concept2 rower. No other rower is allowed.
- Video submissions: A clear view of the monitor must be captured after each round — it is OK to move the camera to meet this requirement.
- Tape, cones, or any other object MUST be used to indicate the barbell is placed 5 feet away from the rower.
- Video submissions: The distance must be clearly measured on camera
Row Standards
1. You must use a Concept2 rower.
2. You must remain seated until the monitor reads 50 calories.
3. The monitor on the rower must be set to 0 at the beginning of each row.
4. The monitor must be set to CALORIES.
Snatch Standards
1. Each rep starts with the bar on the ground.
2. The barbell must be lifted overhead in one motion (no clean and jerks). Any style of snatch is permitted, except a hang snatch.
3. The rep is counted when: Hips, knees, and arms are extended. The bar is over the middle of, or slightly behind, your body when viewed from profile. Your feet are in line.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
50 double-unders
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 box jumps
10 strict handstand push-ups
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box
16-54 divisions
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box
14-15, 55-59 divisions
♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch box
60-64, 65+ divisions
♀ chin-over-bar pull-up, kipping handstand push-up, 20-inch box
♂ chin-over-bar pull-up, kipping handstand push-up, 24-inch box
- Start standing tall with the rope on the ground.
- At “Go,” pick up the rope and complete 50 double-unders.
- Then, move to the pull-up bar and complete 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups.
- Next, move to the box and complete 10 box jumps.
- Then, complete 10 strict handstand push-ups.
- Continue this sequence until 20 minutes expire.
- Your score will be the total number of reps completed before the 20-minute time cap.
You will be penalized if:
- Your video submission does not clearly show all measurements on camera.
- You start with the rope in hand instead of on the ground.
- Your box is set up less than 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
- For safety, the box must be placed at least 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
- Athletes may NOT have assistance resetting their rope.
- There is no tiebreak for this event.
- Video submissions: The camera may be moved between movements to best capture each movement.
- Score is due by Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.
Equipment Notes:
- Jump rope
- Pull-up bar
- Using tape on the pull-up bar AND gymnastics grips at the same time is NOT allowed.
- Box of appropriate height — the top of the box must be at least 15 by 15 inches (38 by 38 centimeters).
- Handstand push-up wall
- Set up a 30-inch tape line 10 inches from the wall to the outside edge of the line.
- If the head and hands are on different surfaces, the surfaces must be level (e.g., if the hands are on plates and there is a pad under the head, the top of the pad must be level with the top of the plates).
- Tape, cones, or any other object MUST be used to indicate the box is placed 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
Double-under Standards
- The rope passes under the feet twice during a single jump.
- The rope must spin forward
Chest-to-bar Pull-up Standards
1. Start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
Any style of grip is permitted.
2. The rep is credited when the chest clearly contacts the bar at or below the collarbone.
NOTE: Any style of pull-up is permitted as long as the criteria above are met.
Box Jumps Standards
1. Start each rep facing the box with both feet on the ground.
2. Using a two-foot takeoff, jump to the top of the box.
A two-foot landing IS required.
Only the feet may make contact with the box.
3. The rep is credited when:
The hips and knees are fully extended.
NOTE: Athletes MUST step down from the top of each rep.
Handstand Push-ups Standards
- Each rep begins and ends in the lockout position with:
Both hands touching the tape line. Any portion of the hands may be touching the line (fingers OK).
Heels against the wall.
Both arms fully extended and shoulders in line with the body. The arms must be fully extended and in line with the body before descending. - At the bottom, the head must make contact with the ground.
The head does NOT need to touch the tape line. - Each rep is credited when the athlete returns to the lockout position with:
Heels on the wall.
Arms, hips, and legs fully extended.
Shoulders in line with the body. - No Kipping allowed for strict handstand pushup. Legs must remain lockout
NOTE: The feet do not need to remain in contact with the wall for the duration of the movement, but the feet must return to the wall at the beginning and end of each rep.
60-64 and 65+ divisions only: perform kipping handstand push-ups.
Chin-over-bar Pull-up Standards
1. Start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
Any style of grip is permitted.
2. The rep is credited when the chin clearly breaks the horizontal plane of the bar.
NOTE: Any style of pull-up is permitted as long as the criteria above are met.
Workout 3
For time:
3-6-9-12 reps of:
Front squats
Time cap: 15 minutes
16-54 divisions
♀ 125 lb (56 kg)
♂ 185 lb (83 kg)
14-15 division
♀ 75 lb (34 kg)
♂ 125 lb (56 kg)
55-59 division
♀ 105 lb (47 kg)
♂ 155 lb (70 kg)
60-64, 65+ divisions
♀ 75 lb (34 kg), rounds of 3-6-9 = chest-to-bar pull-ups, round of 12 = muscle-ups
♂ 125 lb (56 kg), rounds of 3-6-9 = chest-to-bar pull-ups, round of 12 = muscle-ups
- Start standing tall with your back to the barbell.
- At “Go,” complete 3 front squats, then 3 muscle-ups.
- Next, complete 6 front squats, then 6 muscle-ups.
- Continue in this fashion for 9 front squats and 9 muscle-ups, and finally, 12 front squats and 12 muscle-ups.
- Your score will be the total time taken to complete the event.
- In the event that you reach the time cap, your score will be the total number of reps completed before the 15-minute cap.
You will be penalized if:
- Your video submission does not clearly show all measurements and loading on camera.
- You set up the barbell less than 5 feet away from the rings.
- You face the barbell or reach for the barbell before “Go.”
- For safety, the barbell must be placed at least 5 feet away from the rings.
- Record the time after each set of front squats. In the event of a tie, the athlete who completes their last set of front squats faster will win the tie.
- If the event is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreak.
- Score is due by Monday, May 13, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.
Equipment and Video Submission Notes:
- Barbell, plates, and collars
- Rings
- Tape, cones, or any other object MUST be used to indicate the barbell is placed 5 feet away from the rings.
- Video submissions: The distance must be clearly measured on camera.
Front Squat Standards
- The bar rests on the shoulders in the front-rack position.
The bar must be taken from the floor.
Any grip is permitted. - The crease of the hip must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position.
A full squat clean is allowed, but not required, when the bar is taken from the floor. - The rep is credited when:
Hips and knees are fully extended.
The bar is resting on the shoulders in the front-rack position.
Muscle-up Standards
- Begin each rep hanging with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
- You must pass through some portion of a dip before reaching lockout.
Kipping is allowed, but uprises, swings/rolls to support, and other gymnastics movements are not permitted. - The rep is credited when:
Elbows are fully locked out.
Shoulders are directly above, or slightly in front of, the hands.
NOTE: Athletes in the 60-64 and 65+ divisions perform muscle-ups instead of chest-to-bar pull-ups for the final 12 reps.
Chest-to-bar Pull-up Standards
- Start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
Any style of grip is permitted. - The rep is credited when the chest clearly contacts the bar at or below the collarbone.
NOTES: Any style of pull-up is permitted as long as the criteria above are met.
Athletes in the 60-64 and 65+ divisions perform muscle-ups instead of chest-to-bar pull-ups for the final 12 reps.
Workout 4
For time:
30 cleans
30 toes-to-bars
30 thrusters
Time cap: 10 minutes
16-59 divisions
♀ 75 lb (34 kg)
♂ 115 lb (52 kg)
14-15, 60-64, 65+ divisions
♀ 55 lb (25 kg)
♂ 75 lb (34 kg)
- Start standing tall with your back to the barbell.
- At “Go,” complete 30 cleans.
- Then, move to the pull-up bar and complete 30 toes-to-bars.
- Move back to the barbell and complete 30 thrusters.
- Your score will be the total time taken to complete the event.
- In the event you reach the time cap, your score will be the total number of reps completed before the 10-minute cap.
You will be penalized if:
- Your video submission does not clearly show all measurements and loading on camera.
- You set up the barbell less than 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
- For safety, the barbell must be placed at least 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
- There is no tiebreak for this event.
- Gymnastics grips may NOT be used during the cleans or thrusters.
- Score is due by Monday, May 13, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.
Equipment and Video Submission Notes:
- Barbell, plates, and collars
- Pull-up bar
- Tape, cones, or any other object MUST be used to indicate the barbell is placed 5 feet away from the pull-up bar.
- Video submissions: The distance must be clearly measured on camera.
Clean Standards
- Start each rep with the bar on the ground.
- The bar must be lifted to the shoulders.
Any style of clean, except a hang clean, is permitted. - The rep is credited when the bar is on the shoulders and:
Hips, knees, and arms are extended.
Feet are in line.
Elbows are in front of the bar when viewed from profile.
Toes-to-bar Standards
- Begin by hanging from the pull-up bar with arms extended.
The heels must be brought back behind the vertical plane of the bar.
Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are all permitted. - The rep is credited when both feet contact the bar between the hands at the same time.
Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar.
Thruster Standards
- The crease of the hips must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position (below parallel).
The bar must begin on the ground. A squat clean is allowed, but not required, to start a set. - The rep is credited when:
Hips, knees, and arms are fully extended.
The bar is directly over, or behind, the middle of the body when viewed from the side
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