Workout of the Day

Claw Machine

Written By Nelson  |  Conditioning 

4 rounds:

400m Run
150m Farmers Carry 70/50 lbs
20 Feet elevated Ring Rows


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (5-7 minutes): Today’s workout is all about grip. The Forearm and wrist circles will help get the arms ready to hold. Utilize some dead hangs and ring rows to warmup as well

Stimulus: Grip endruance

Strategy: 6 rounds means that we’re going to be chipping away for a longer period today. Pick a farmer’s walk weight that will allow you to perform them in 2 sets, maybe stopping halfway. For the Feet elevated ring rows, those should also be done in 1-2 sets, so build using plates, or if you want to get after it, you could elevate with a bench or box. For the run, that should be where you juice out the arms. 

  • Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry- A hook grip may be helpful if you’re used to that. Make sure when you are moving, you’re walking with purpose. We don’t want to have unnecessary swings, so make sure that you’re able to move quickly without fatiguing the arms unnecessarily. Chalk will be helpful too.
  • Feet Elevated Ring Rows- Remember that form is first, so make sure that whatever height you are elevating to, you can still maintain a tight hollow position and pull through the lats as opposed to the biceps and breaking at the midline. 


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