Workout of the Day

Ring the Alarm 

Written By Nelson  |  Bar Muscle Ups 

2:30 AMRAP:

9/arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk,  50/35 lbs
6 Bar Muscle-ups
Max Cal Row with the remaining time
–rest 1:30–

X 3 sets

WODprep Strategy Top Tips

Warm-up (10 minutes): A proper warmup is very important for a workout like today’s. The Clean and jerk will compound into the bar muscle ups which will compound into the rower. Good mornings, dumbbell swings, and lighter clean and jerks will help. For the bar muscle ups, using kip levers and jumping box muscle ups will help prime that pattern. For the max cal row, use some primer rounds to dial in what pace you want to row at, knowing you probably will row slightly slower in the later rounds. 

Stimulus: Anaerobic endurance bordering on lactic threshold due to lack of sustained rest. 

Strategy: Whenever we see a workout that has max reps with only 1 minute of rest, the first thing we should think is that the rest is a trap. The idea should be to move at sustainable paces, with the thought of sending it in the last round. For the clean and jerks, those should only be unbroken if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you can keep them unbroken. The break and rest for the clean and jerk is significantly less than if you were to need to break on the BMU, so plan accordingly.

  • Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks- Deadlift Dumbbell to full hip and knee extension. Make sure to use as much hip and as little bicep as you can in the Clean, and lockout on the jerk. For this format, you are going to hit all 9 reps on one side, and then the other. 

  • Bar Muscle Ups–  Keep a tight kip as you raise to get your hips to the bar, and turnover to your catch position. Use press up to finish your rep. If you can catch these in lockout to eliminate the press out, that can also be more efficient for today’s workout if you can hold that pattern. 


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