Workout of the Day

Ole’ Reliable

Written By Nelson  |  Ring Muscle Ups 

For time:

36 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Front Squats @135/95 lbs
24 Chest to Bar Pull ups
(8:00 time cap)

–rest 3:00–

30 Bar Facing Burpees
24 Front Squats @185/125 lbs
18 Ring Muscle Ups
(21:00 time cap)


WODprep Strategy Top Tips

Warm-up (10  minutes): Today’s workout has a lot of pieces to warm up. We’ll want to start by warming up our squats for our ascending front squats. Goblet squats, along with some front rack PVC stretches will get us ready to receive the bar properly. Utilize kip swings, and either kipping pullups or butterfly progressions depending on what you plan on using today. For the Ring Muscle-ups, focus on warming up the dip position with some toe-spotted dips, and then some low ring transitions. 

Stimulus:. Gymnastic and weightlifting density under fatigue. 

Strategy: Our workout today is designed to test your capacity with gymnastics and the squat pattern. It is key to get to the muscle ups and chest to bar as efficiently as possible. Make your burpees smooth, and the front squats should be a weight to where you can knock the weights out on each bar in 2-3 sets. The majority of time should be spent chipping away at our gymnastics movements.

  • Bar facing Burpees– Stay low to the ground and try to turn in the air. A jump back and step up should be the most efficient. For the burpee pattern, aim to drop the chest to the food first as opposed to the hips.

  • Chest to Bar- Whether doing a C-Kip or butterfly, make sure you have a good grip on the bar. Aim to wrap your thumb around. Sets should be larger and shouldn’t take a ton of time in a piece like this, so scale volume accordingly

  • Front Squat- Setting up in a proper front rack position is the key to hitting good front squats. Set up well in the clean to aim to catch in a squat clean to stand up your first rep. Drive your knees out throughout the squat. Make sure you demonstrate the extension of knees and hips when standing the rep up.

  • Ring Muscle-ups– We have Ring Muscle-ups today, so the focus here should be completing your reps with solid form, and not too much effort. Stay tight and patient in your kip as you rise out of your hollow, and a quick but powerful snap of the hips should be utilized to turn over on the rings. Keep your arms in tight as you drive your legs down to catch and drive out of the dip to lockout.


Ring Muscle Ups – Start Stringing Multiple Together!

Do you have one ring muscle up but can’t figure out how to string them together?

Check out our awesome content below:

Check out this free post on how to learn ring muscle ups
FREE cheat sheet on ring muscle ups, you’ll absolutely love!
Incredible 8 Week Course you have to try
My Ring Muscle Up Playlist you can watch now

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