Workout of the Day

Let the Bar Build

Written By Nelson  |  Clean & Jerk 

EMOM for 21 minutes:

Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2 : 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Minute 3: 2 Clean and Jerks


*Increase weight after Round 2, 5, 6

Recommended Men’s Build- 135/155/185 lbs
Women’s Build- 85/105/125 lbs 
(Ideally: 50-55%/60-65%/ 70+ %)


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Today is all about the clean and jerk. Spend a little time warming up other movements, but then warm up with an empty bar and get some clean and jerk reps warm to about your third projected bar. 

Stimulus: Lifting under aerobic fatigue 

Strategy: In this EMOM you’re going to be increasing in weight after certain rounds. The Clean and Jerks should start being smooth singles. As you get heavier, take longer breaks. After round 2, increase weight. You’ll jump another weight after round 5, and one final jump after round 6 for the last round. The row should be done in about 45 seconds, so if you’re losing time there, drop the calories. 

  • Row Calories– Long pulls with an upright torso. Getting started will be important here. Start with a full pull, followed by a half pull, a 3⁄4 pull, and then work into your rhythm. These calories should be done in 45 seconds or so. 

  • Burpee Box Jump Overs– When performing the burpee, utilize a jump back and step up method. Stay low on the box and try to adopt a squatting pattern to help you turn on the box.

  • Clean and Jerk- Note that the clean and jerks are going to be done in singles. You can still move quickly, just focus on a good rest and start position that includes a neutral spine and straight arms as you perform each rep.  


Do you struggle with front rack mobility and position during the power clean or front squat? Try these drills!

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