Workout of the Day

Double Krabby Deluxe

Written By Nelson  |  Pull-up 

For Time:
Bar Facing Burpees

–Rest 2 minutes–

Front Squats

Load: 135/95lbs


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10 minutes): Good mornings, side planks, and goblet squats will get your barbell movements primed. Then warm up with some kip swings and some scapular pull ups to get ready to swing from the bar. Then, warm up to your working weight on the deadlift and squat. 

Stimulus: Pacing work and anaerobic pace 

Strategy: Looking for a smooth pace out of the gate. The Deadlifts will go fast, so make sure you breath and get into a good rhythm and pace on the burpees. The Front squats should be pushed for unbroken or two sets and you can be a bit more strategic on the pull-ups. 

  • Deadlifts- For these deadlifts, breaking up into smaller sets will be the play. You don’t want to redline too quickly, and the burpees are going to elevate your heart rate, so use the deadlifts as a chance to keep it down, but still make sure you stay on it. 

  • Bar facing Burpees– Stay low to the ground and try to turn in the air. A jump back and step up should be the most efficient.
  • Front Squat– Squat cleaning the first rep will be a useful tool. Make sure to stand your reps up to full hip and knee extension, and breathe throughout the rep. This shouldn’t be a weight you have to brace all that much

  • Pull-ups- You don’t want to be bottlenecked by the pullups too much, so make sure you can hit the sets all in 3 sets or less. 



Take your pull ups to the next level with some tips from Ben at WODprep!


Looking to gain an extra edge on your kipping pullups? Check out some of our courses!


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