Workout of the Day

Power Outlet

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  Snatch 

10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Snatch (95lbs/65lbs)
6 Box Jump Overs (24lbs/20lbs)

WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Let’s talk about the power snatch technique first. It’s essential to review and practice the proper power snatch technique before you start the workout. Make sure you really understand the movement, including things like grip, stance, hip extension, and catching the barbell. You will want to head over this article first.

Now, if the prescribed weight for the power snatch (95lbs/65lbs) feels too heavy for you, don’t worry. You have the option to scale it down to a weight that allows you to maintain good form and complete the repetitions without too many breaks. The weight should still be challenging, but manageable for you.

The same goes for the box height (24lbs/20lbs) for the box jump overs. If you need to, choose a height that allows you to perform the jumps safely and efficiently.

Since this workout consists of multiple rounds, it’s important to think about your pacing strategy. You don’t want to go all out and exhaust yourself in the early rounds. Instead, aim for a steady effort throughout the workout. Find a pace that you can maintain consistently and focus on making smooth and efficient transitions between exercises.

Now, when it comes to approaching the power snatches themselves, it’s a good idea to break them into manageable sets. This means choosing a number of repetitions that you can complete without feeling excessively fatigued. You could try doing all three reps unbroken, or you could break them into sets of 2+1 or 1+1+1, depending on what feels comfortable for you and allows you to maintain proper technique. The key here is to focus on efficient movement, using your hips and legs to generate power and speed.


Feel awkward when barbell cycling? Check out our video below:

Are you new to Weightlifting for CrossFit? If so, you’ll want to check this out before going any further!

Weightlifting is an advanced skill and these tips will help you figure out the various lifts that are sure to crop up in your WODs sometime soon!

Want to get faster and more efficient in your barbell WODs?

5 Snatch Drills Every CrossFitter Should Master (free video tutorial!):

P.S. Looking for 1-on-1 Coaching to start feeling great in the gym?
Schedule a call with our Head Coach, Dr. CJ. *Limited spots available.

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