Workout of the Day

Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Written By Nelson  |  Wall Balls 

15 min AMRAP:

12 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 lbs
10 Toes to Bar
8 Hang Power Snatches, 115/75 lbs


WODprep Strategy Top Tips:

Warm-up (10  minutes): For the Wall balls and toes to bar, warm up some squats and also use a scapular push-up and pull-up to get the shoulders activated. Spend some time prepping the overhead with a PVC for the hang power snatches.

Stimulus:. High transition practice, upper body shoulder endurance.

Strategy: We have small rep schemes and a lot of transitions in today’s workout. Pick a pace that will allow you to stay moving for the entire 15 mins, with a little kick at the end. All movements should be aimed to be done unbroken, so adjust as you need.

  • Wall Balls– Start with the ball about an arm’s distance away from the wall. Keep feet engaged, and chest upright. Remember to breathe normally. Also, what’s super important is keeping your hands underneath the ball instead of on the sides.

  • Toes-to-Bar- Aim to have a full grip with your thumb wrapped around the bar on these toes. Have a tight kip swing, and focus on keeping your legs straight as you push through your lats. Open back up with a tight kip to string your reps together.

  • Hang Power Snatch– Bring the bar to full extension of hips and knees. Dip and slide into your hang position (top of the knee). You can also cycle the bar at position 1, being the high hang position (hip pocket), if you can sustain that.  These should be a little spicy but fight for unbroken reps.  


This video explains a simple way to make Wall Ball Shots technique for WODs a little less annoying!


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