Introducing the Chest-to-Wall Handstand Push-Up: A New CrossFit® Movement

The CrossFit community is always evolving, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in fitness and strength training. One of the recent additions to the CrossFit repertoire is the chest-to-wall handstand push-up.

In this article, we will explore this exciting movement and discuss its benefits and proper execution.

What is chest to wall handstand push-up ?

The chest-to-wall handstand push-up is a variation of the traditional strict handstand push-up, with a key difference: the athlete faces the wall instead of having their back to it. This modification brings several advantages, most notably the encouragement of a better hollow body position throughout the movement. It also brings more challenges; one being the added difficulty of getting in and out of it!

In the conventional strict handstand push-up, it is common for athletes to compromise their form. They may allow their core to become loose, their butt touching the wall, and their back to arch excessively. This can lead to sloppy and inefficient performance. However, the chest-to-wall handstand push-up promotes a more disciplined and solid position.

Introducing the Chest-to-Wall Handstand Push-Up A New CrossFit Movement

How to crush chest to wall handstand push-up

To perform the movement correctly, start on the ground with your chest and thighs touching the floor. You then proceed to a handstand position using a technique called a wall walk. Once in the handstand, lower your head down to touch the floor, and press back up to full extension without removing your hands from a designated tape marker.

Maintaining a solid, hollow body position is crucial during the chest-to-wall handstand push-up. This requires engaging your core and glutes, which helps you stay balanced and prevent falling off the wall. It is essential to conserve energy for the dismount, whether it involves a controlled wall walk down or a safe alternative method.

Executing the movement efficiently is another key aspect. Avoid resting at the bottom position, as it can make it challenging to push back up from a dead stop. Instead, aim for a touch-and-go approach. Use a supportive mat or padding to protect your head and neck from discomfort or injury.

When descending, relax your toes against the wall. As you press back up, flex your feet to create extra stability and reduce friction. This subtle adjustment can make a significant difference in achieving a solid lockout.

What are the benefits of chest to wall handstand push-ups (and why are they so hard?)

It is important to note that the chest-to-wall handstand push-up requires considerable upper body strength and demands a higher level of control and balance compared to the traditional variation. If you lack the necessary strength, it is advisable to focus on building foundational strength and gradually progress toward this movement. But hey, if you follow this tips I've just shown you, it will promote shoulder strength and correct body alignment.

To summarize

In conclusion, the chest-to-wall handstand push-up is an intriguing addition to the CrossFit community. It promotes a better hollow body position, challenging athletes to maintain core stability and control.

By following the proper technique and incorporating helpful tips, athletes can improve their pressing strength and enhance their overall gymnastic abilities. Remember to prioritize safety and ensure you have the pre-requisite strength before attempting this movement.

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