CrossFit 19.5 Announcement: Thrusters Are Back.

Written By Ben  |  Open 

CrossFit 19.5 workout has officially been announced, and we continue to follow the long-standing tradition of thrusters popping up in the final workout of the Open.

Ready? Let's dig in.

crossfit open 19.5 announcement

CrossFit 19.5 Announcement: 

For time: 


  • Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 
  • Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

20 minute time cap.
For your full 19.5 workout standards and description, head over to  

crossfit 19.5 announcement

CrossFit Games Open Workout 19.5 - Quick Tips & Strategy 

It's fine to break up your reps A LOT - but try your best to not rest very much. You should take breaks, deep breath, then back on the bar. Personally I've gotten a 2:26 Fran time in the past, and I had to break up the pull-ups a couple times. Moral of the story: you can get a great time with lots of breaks, just get back on the bar ASAP. 

CrossFit 19.5: Thrusters (RX)

Stay controlled, stay smooth, and focus on breathing. Try to have a rep scheme figured out ahead of time.... such as: 

  • 13-11-9 Thrusters
  • 11 sets of 3 C2B Pull-ups
  • 11-9-7 Thrusters
  • 9 sets of 3 C2B Pull-ups

No matter which division you're in, the thrusters will seriously burn at some point in this workout. That's OK. Remember to breathe. In fact, watch this video:

CrossFit 19.5: Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

SMALL SETS! Personally, I will do no more than 7 reps unbroken throughout the entire workout - even though I can do Fran unbroken. Honestly, I might try to limit myself to a maximum of 5 reps unbroken at any time. 

For many, sets of 3's or even quick singles will be MUCH better. DO NOT fall into the trap of feeling good early and hitting big sets to start, only to crumble at the end.

CrossFit 19.5 Masters Workout

Our masters athletes are all looking at the same workout as Rx until we hit the 55+ age range - which at that point, the weight for thrusters will drop to 65/45 lbs, and the chest to bar pull-ups change to chin over the bar pull-ups. For the chin over the bar pull-ups, I'm going to recommend using the same strategies as the C2B pull-ups (see the above section).

CrossFit 19.5 Scaled Workout

33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • 65/45 lb. thrusters
  • Jumping pull-ups

For jumping pull-ups - use your legs and calves. Don't forget it's chin-over-bar so for the jumping pull-ups, you only need to get your chin above the bar.  

Don't over-jump, as that wastes a lot of energy.

Open 19.5 note:

DO NOT RIP - make sure you have your calluses shaved or grips that you are used to using.

For a 19.5 in-depth strategy around mindset, pacing - and even more videos - head here to our full-length strategy guide. 

Want a warm-up and recovery video specifically for the Open 19.5 workout? Make sure to sign-up for our 2019 Open Strategy emails, and they will get delivered straight to your inbox!

Need to be brought up to speed on why we have two Opens this year? Check out our article on the 2019 Games season here

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