How Can CrossFit® Affiliates Prepare For The CrossFit® Open

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  Open 

The CrossFit® Open is just around the corner, and for CrossFit® affiliates, preparation is the key to a successful and smooth experience for athletes, judges, and coaches alike. Here are some essential steps and tips to ensure your affiliate is ready to tackle the challenges of the CrossFit® Open.

1. Learn from the Past:

Using previous Open workouts to prepare athletes is a smart strategy. It not only exposes them to the kind of stimulus they can expect but also puts them in the same mindset as benchmark workouts. Familiarity with various movements and workout structures can give athletes a mental edge.

2. Strategic Scheduling:

Plan and communicate the schedule well in advance. Whether you choose late Friday nights or Saturday mornings, make sure athletes are aware of the workout days and times. This helps them plan their training and recovery accordingly.

3. Pacing and Strategy:

Discuss pacing and strategy during regular workouts. Analyzing current workouts can help athletes think about the best approaches to tackle Open workouts effectively. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses will be crucial during the Open.

4. Nutrition and Recovery:

Start emphasizing the importance of week-to-week nutrition and recovery early on. Changes in these areas can significantly impact an athlete’s performance. Since most of the work is already done, small adjustments can make a big difference during the Open.

5. Judge Assignment:

Identify who wants to judge each athlete. Reinforce movement standards required during judging, making athletes aware of what to expect. This ensures they practice movements according to standards and hold themselves to a higher level of accountability.

6. Open Structure and Boundaries:

Clearly communicate the structure of the Open to athletes. Define when workouts can be redone, and set boundaries to avoid putting excessive demands on affiliates and coaches. Planning ahead prevents last-minute scheduling issues.

How Can CrossFit Affiliates Prepare For The CrossFit Open

7. Foster a Competitive Environment:

Create a group atmosphere to boost athletes' competitive spirits. Consider forming teams or introducing awards to incentivize participation in gym activities during the Open. A fun and competitive environment can enhance the overall experience.

8. Volunteer Coordination:

Ask for volunteers early in the process. Having volunteers lined up in advance allows athletes to schedule their Open workouts efficiently, preventing last-minute scrambles for available staff.

9. Specific Movement Training:

Focus on movements that are likely to appear in the Open, such as thrusters, double-unders, toes-to-bar, chest-to-bar pull-ups, wall balls, deadlifts, and burpees. Sharpening skills in these areas will better prepare athletes for the variety of challenges they may face.

10. Take Care of Business:

Before the Open kicks off, ensure your affiliate is in good standing with CrossFit® Inc. Check fees, insurance, and affiliate registration. Complete the Judges Course, confirm the licensee of record (LOR) address, and read the CrossFit® Games Competition Rulebook.

Tips for Game-Day Success:

  • Print enough scorecards and tape the floor the night before to handle the expected volume of athletes.
  • Familiarize yourself with the workout description and demo video in advance.
  • Communicate with athletes about the workout, judges, and important details before the first heat begins.
  • Be prepared with enough judges, and ensure each athlete has a registered judge.
  • Stay updated on social media for any last-minute changes or updates.

Affiliate Owner Insights:

Learn from successful affiliate owners. Utilize scheduling websites for heat sign-ups, recruit judges ahead of time, and plan your gym space efficiently for a competition-like setup.

So, what’s next?

In conclusion, strategic planning, effective communication, and attention to detail are essential for a successful CrossFit® Open experience.

By following these tips and learning from the experiences of other affiliate owners, you can make the Open a positive and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

Good luck, affiliates!

Want more? Why not check out our Daily CrossFit® Affiliate Programming.

Disclaimer: WODprep is not affiliated with CrossFit®, Inc nor is it endorsed by CrossFit®, Inc or any of its subsidiaries. CrossFit® is a registered trademark of CrossFit®, Inc. We are an independent group of functional fitness athletes trying to help people like us perform better in their WODs and everyday lives.

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