24.2 Open Rx Workout & Standards

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  The Open 

The 2024 CrossFit® Open WOD 24.2 has been released! For those tackling Open Workout 24.2 in the Rx’D division, your workout details can be seen below. As always, make sure you check out the Games website for the movement standards.

>>> Here’s the link to the scorecard

24.2 CrossFit® Open Rx Workout

As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter Row
10 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders

Your score will be the total number of reps completed in 20 minutes.

Women: 125 lbs
Men: 185 lbs

Starting position: Start seated on the rower with hands off the paddle.

Here Are Some Important Notes:

There’s no required floor plan, but we’ll make suggestions in our strategy article. Gymnastic grips are not allowed, but you can receive assistance in resetting the rower between rounds.

Tiebreak time-keeping: None! No tiebreak in this workout. During the row, 10 meters = 1 rep, rounded down (so 227 meters = 22 reps). If the time expires during the row, record your score when the monitor has come to rest.

What Are the Standards for Each of the Movements?


The movement standards require:

  • The monitor must be set to 0 at the beginning of each row.
  • It must always count UP to the designated distance.
  • Any damper setting may be used at any time.
  • You must remain seated until the monitor clearly reads 300 meters.

Make sure you don’t stand up prior to reaching 300 meters, or start the round without resetting the monitor to 0. Ask someone else to reset your rower.

Here's how to row properly:

When getting up to speed in rowing, it's crucial to find your pace smoothly, aiming for a transition that moves from half to three-quarters to full pace.

Key to initiating your first pull is relying on the strength of your legs rather than your arms. 

This approach helps in maintaining efficiency and form right from the start. It's important to keep your body from folding over excessively and to concentrate on engaging the middle part of the row.

This means not overemphasizing the beginning or the end of the stroke, which can lead to a loss of power and rhythm. 

Maintaining a loose grip on the handle is another vital technique; it's best to hold the outer edges of the handle with relaxed hands to prevent unnecessary tension. This relaxation should extend to your back, ensuring a relaxed recovery phase and a powerful, long drive phase. 

Moving onto your foot straps, you want to keep them loose and allow for a more dynamic movement. For example, starting with one foot in, execute a big pull before placing your other foot in for another strong pull. It's essential to avoid fiddling with the straps; instead, focus on smoothly sliding your foot up, followed by the other, then smoothly exiting the foot stretcher.

Starting with one foot in, execute a big pull before placing your other foot in for another strong pull. It's essential to avoid fiddling with the straps; instead, focus on smoothly sliding your foot up, followed by the other, then smoothly exiting the foot stretcher. 

The damper setting plays a crucial role in your rowing experience; setting it between 5 or 6, consistent with your usual practice, can help in optimizing your rowing efficiency and power output.


The movement standards require:

  • The barbell starts on the ground with both plates touching the ground.
  • Hands must be outside the knees (so no Sumo deadlifts).
  • Any gripping style is permitted.
  • The rep is credited when hips and knees reach full extension and the head and shoulders are behind the bar when viewed from the side.

Make sure not to lower the barbell before reaching full extension of the knees or hips. Make sure to finish with the head and shoulders in front of the bar.

And remember, don’t deliberately bounce the bar.

Here's how to deadlift properly:

For the deadlift, employing a mixed grip and executing touch-and-go repetitions are foundational techniques to enhance your lifting efficiency and safety.

When performing these repetitions, it's critical to avoid over-arching your back at the top of the lift, as doing so can lead to strain and potential injury.

Instead, focus on engaging your core muscles by squeezing your glutes and knees, which aids in stabilizing your lower body and maintaining proper alignment. 

Keeping the bar close to your body throughout the lift is essential for minimizing the leverage against you and ensuring the weight is moved efficiently.

Your stance should allow for perpendicular shins relative to the ground, which helps in reducing unnecessary stress on your knees and ankles.

Starting with a high hip position not only leverages the power of your posterior chain but also helps in maintaining a neutral spine, crucial for a safe and effective lift. These techniques, when combined, contribute to a powerful and safe deadlift execution.

Double Unders

The movement standards require:

  • The rope passes under the feet twice during a single jump.
  • The rope must spin forward.

Common reasons for no reps include counting attempts instead of successful reps (only count successful reps). Spinning the rope backwards is not correct.

Here's how to execute Double Unders properly:

To perform double unders efficiently, start by holding a jump rope with your hands slightly in front of your body, elbows close to your sides.

Stand upright with your feet together, using your wrists to swing the rope. The key is to jump slightly higher than for a regular jump rope, allowing the rope to pass under your feet twice with each jump. 

Keep your jumps controlled and your body upright, focusing on wrist movement rather than using your arms to turn the rope.

Maintain a steady, rhythmic motion, with the rope spinning quickly and your feet barely lifting off the ground.

Not Doing the Open Workout at an Affiliate?Here's Your Camera Set Up

So here's the simple setup for your video. First off, make sure there's clear space around all the equipment, approximately three to five feet in front and behind it all.

The camera should be on one side of the rower, the same side as the rope and barbell.

That way you can see the barbell get to the proper levels. Think about it like you're watching from the side, but not directly from the side.

Don't forget to have the clock visible in the frame. That's important for timing. Plus, make sure there's nothing blocking the camera's view—no one standing in front of it or anything like that. 

The Key Takeaways


Given the 20-minute duration, pacing is crucial. Start at a sustainable pace to avoid early fatigue, especially during the row and double-unders. Manage your energy to maintain consistent round times.

Efficiency in Movement:

For each component, focus on efficient movement patterns. This means utilizing proper form to maximize power and reduce fatigue.

In the row, ensure a powerful leg drive and minimal unnecessary movements. For deadlifts, maintain a flat back and use your legs and hips for lifting, not your back.

With double unders, aim for minimal wrist action and consistent jumping height.

Transition Times:

Minimize transition times between exercises. Organize your space so that you can quickly move from the rower to the deadlifts and then to your jump rope without unnecessary delays.

Breathing and Recovery: 

Pay attention to your breathing, especially during the row and deadlifts, to ensure you're not holding your breath. Use the transitions and the less cardio-intensive parts of the workout (like setting up for deadlifts) as opportunities to catch your breath.

Key CrossFit® Open Links You Need:

Looking for the 24.2 CrossFit® Open Rx Workout & Standards?

Looking for the CrossFit® Open 24.2 Rx Strategy & Tips?

Looking for the 24.2 CrossFit® Open Workout & Standards (Scaled and Masters)?

Looking for the CrossFit® Open 24.2 Strategy for Scaled and Masters?

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24.2 CrossFit® Open Rx Workout & Standards

If you want to read the full series, click the links below! Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: WODprep is not affiliated with CrossFit®, Inc nor is it endorsed by CrossFit, Inc or any of its subsidiaries. CrossFit® is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. We are an independent group of functional fitness athletes trying to help people like us perform better in their WODs and everyday lives.

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