24.1 Open Rx Workout & Standards

Written By Charleh Knighton  |  The Open 

The 2024 CrossFit® Open has officially kicked off! For those tackling Open Workout 24.1 in the Rx’D division, your workout details can be seen below. As always, make sure you check out the Games website for the movement standards.

>>> Here’s the link to the scorecard.

24.1 CrossFit® Open Rx Workout

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

Women: 35-lb Dumbbell
Men: 50-lb Dumbbell

Starting position: Standing tall with your back to the Dumbbell

21 DB Snatches arm 1
21 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
21 DB Snatches arm 2
21 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell

15 DB Snatches arm 1
15 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
15 DB Snatches arm 2
15 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell

9 DB Snatches arm 1
9 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
9 DB Snatches arm 2
9 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell

Your score will be the total time it takes to complete all reps or the number of reps completed within the 15-minute time cap.

Here Are Some Important Notes:

You may start the rounds of 21, 15, and 9 snatches with either arm, but you may not switch arms in the middle of a set of snatches. Make sure to start standing tall with your back to the dumbbell.

There is no required floor plan for this workout and gymnastic grips are not allowed. 

Tiebreak time-keeping:

Record the time after you complete the final 21 burpees, and this will be your tiebreak time if you do not complete the final 15 burpees.

Record the time again after the final 15 burpees if you get that far, and this will become your tiebreak time if you do not complete the workout.

In the event of a tie, the athlete with the better tiebreak time will be ranked higher. If the workout is completed before the time cap, there is no tiebreak. 

What Are the Standards for Each of the Movements?

Our Workout Predictions for the CrossFit Open Season 2024

Dumbbell Snatch

The movement standards require:

  • Each rep starts with both heads of the dumbbell on the ground. You must start the workout with your back facing the dumbbell.
  • Lift the dumbbell overhead in one motion.
  • A partial squat in the receiving position is allowed but not required. 
  • The rep is credited when: knees, hips, and elbow of the working arm are fully extended and the middle of the dumbbell is in line with, or behind, the body when viewed from the side.
Here's how to execute a dumbbell snatch properly:

To perform a dumbbell snatch, start with your feet hip-width apart for stability. Place a dumbbell between your feet slightly behind you between your legs for your first rep, hinge down, and grip it with one hand, keeping your back flat and chest up. Initiate the lift by driving through your feet, extending your legs, and keeping the dumbbell close to your body, similar to a deadlift. 

Once the dumbbell passes your knees, explosively extend your hips, knees, and ankles, and pull the dumbbell upwards with a shoulder shrug and elbow lead.

Quickly hinge under the dumbbell to catch it overhead with a fully extended arm, stabilizing your core. Stand up fully, then lower the dumbbell to the ground in a controlled manner to complete the rep.

Remember to take a breath at the top of each rep. Exhale at the top, and inhale on the way down bracing as you move to the ground and back up then exhale at the top. There’s a total of 90 DB snatch reps, so you want to keep a reasonable pace.

Now, let's talk about two techniques for cycling dumbbells: high hips versus low hips. If you feel your back tightening up, opt for lower hips during a dumbbell snatch, especially if the weight feels heavy for you.

Keep the dumbbell close to your body as you pull it and as you bring it back to the ground.

When the dumbbell touches the ground between your legs, it should be slightly behind your center so that you can use the momentum almost like a KB swing to initiate your pull. (Leaving the dumbbell in front of your center of gravity will pull you over as you go to make your next rep and make it much harder.)

Here’s 4 Ways to Avoid Getting a No Rep on the Dumbbell Snatch

  • Don't let your non-working hand or arm touch your thigh or anywhere else on your body. 
  • Don't drop the dumbbell before you've fully extended your elbow, knees, and hips. 
  • Don't let only one end of the dumbbell touch the ground or let it not touch the ground at all.
  • Finally, don't finish with the dumbbell in front of your body.

If you avoid these 4 common ways to get no reps, you should be in good shape.

Lateral Burpee over the Dumbbell

The movement standards require:

  • Start on one side of the dumbbell.
  • The chest and thighs must touch the floor at the bottom of each rep.
  • Return to both feet with the hands off the floor. Jumping or stepping in and out of the bottom of the burpee is permitted.
  • Jump over the dumbbell (both feet must be off the ground). Some portion of both feet must clearly pass over the dumbbell (not around it). A two-foot take-off or landing is not required. 
  • The rep is credited when both feet are on the opposite side of the dumbbell.

When setting up for your burpee, position the dumbbell somewhere between your hip and knee while you are lying on the ground, so that you don’t have to move, take big steps or hops up from the burpee to jump lateral over the dumbbell.

There are countless modifications to the standard burpee that can help or hinder your workout performance. From the "step-down, step-up" method to the lightning-fast "sprint burpee," each variation brings its own unique challenge to the table. I'd suggest jumping or  “hopping” down and stepping up.

To perform a lateral burpee over a dumbbell, begin with the dumbbell on the floor to your side. Stand parallel to the dumbbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hop back into a burpee.

When you are lying on the ground the dumbbell should be between your hip and mid thigh so that when you step up you do not have to step very far forward (like a bar facing burpee).

The step up method may be a tad bit slower, but only marginally and compared to the jump up it will save your lungs and legs and keep you moving. The goal is to step up with the outside leg, bring the inside foot parallel and in one motion, while staying hunched over slightly.

What you don’t want to do is stand all the way up, hop over the dumbbell, land on the other side, and repeat the pattern. You want to stay hunched over slightly for better efficiency.

If you can, alternate the step-up with your outside foot; if not, stick to your most comfortable side. But if you're taking it a bit slower, go for the step down and step up method. Either way, keep pushing!

Here’s How To Avoid Getting A No Rep

  • Don't skip touching your chest or thighs to the ground
  • Don't hop around the dumbbell (must be above), 
  • Don't step over it, and don't trip over it or touch it as you jump over.

Mess up on any of these, and you must redo the burpee.

Not Doing the Open Workout at an Affiliate? Here's Your Camera Set Up

So here's the simple setup for your video. First off, make sure there's clear space around the dumbbell, approximately three to five feet in front and behind it.

Position the camera so that you are clearly in the frame even when lifting the dumbbell overhead and so that you can see plenty of floor space visible in every direction of the DB.

That way you can see the DB locked out overhead. Angle it at about 45 degrees so you can see your feet going over the dumbbell and you locking it out above your head. Think about it like you're watching from the side, but not directly from the side.

Don't forget to have the clock visible in the frame. That's important for timing. Plus, make sure there's nothing blocking the camera's view—no one standing in front of it or anything like that. 

It's probably the easiest video setup you'll ever deal with for the CrossFit® Open.

The Key Takeaways

This workout isn't just about sweating it out; it's also a mental challenge that needs focus and grit. You've got to find the sweet spot between going fast and keeping your form tight, all while making sure you've got enough gas in the tank for the next rounds.

To crush it in this workout, nail down your form and keep a steady pace. Doing dumbbell snatches right saves energy and lowers your chance of getting hurt. And with burpees, keeping a consistent rhythm helps you keep moving forward without burning out.

Plus, a bit of strategy goes a long way. Break the workout into mental chunks you can handle, and take smart breaks to keep from crashing too soon. The 21-15-9 breaks it for you as well, so find a pace that you can move steadily, without having to stop the entire time if possible. It's all about keeping that momentum going until you hit that last rep. 

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Key CrossFit® Open Links You Need:

Looking for the 24.1 CrossFit® Open Rx Workout & Standards?

Looking for the CrossFit® Open 24.1 Rx Strategy & Tips?

Looking for the 24.1 CrossFit® Open Workout & Standards (Scaled and Masters)?

Looking for the CrossFit® Open 24.1 Strategy for Scaled and Masters?

24.1 CrossFit® Open Workout, Standards for RX

If you want to read the full series, click the links below! Enjoy!

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How Can CrossFit Affiliates Prepare For The CrossFit Open

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