It’s the third week of the 2023 CrossFit Open! Two workout scores are in and secured onto the leaderboard. It’s been an incredible experience so far, and Adrian Bozman has gone BIG for week 3. The CrossFit Open 23.3 is a 3-parter with cut off times. This is really going to split the pack up and shuffle athletes around the leaderboard ahead of the quarterfinals.
Are you ready to attack this workout? Well, here’s the workouts and standard for you to follow:
You can read more about the standards in detail from the CrossFit Games scorecard.
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workouts:
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Rx’d)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀65 lb, 95 lb, 125 lb, 155 lb
♂95 lb, 135 lb, 185 lb, 225 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Scaled)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀45 lb, 65 lb, 75 lb, 85 lb
♂65 lb, 95 lb, 115 lb, 135 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Teenagers Rx'd 14-15)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀45 lb, 65 lb, 75 lb, 85 lb
♂65 lb, 95 lb, 115 lb, 135 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Teenagers Scaled 14-15)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀ 35 lb, 55 lb, 65 lb, 75 lb
♂ 45 lb, 65 lb, 85 lb, 95 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Masters 55+)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀ 35 lb, 55 lb, 65 lb, 75 lb
♂ 45 lb, 65 lb, 85 lb, 95 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Masters 55+ Scaled)
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Scaled Wall Walks
50 Single Unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
50 Single Unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
♀ 35 lb, 55 lb, 65 lb, 75 lb
♂ 45 lb, 65 lb, 85 lb, 95 lb
CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout (Foundations)
For Time: (Time Cap) 12 minutes
5 Bear Crawls
50 Jumping Jacks
15 Snatches
5 Bear Crawls
55 Jumping Jacks
12 Snatches
5 Bear Crawls
60 Jumping Jacks
9 Snatches
5 Bear Crawls
65 Jumping Jacks
6 Snatches
♀35 lb*
♂45 lb*
If your snatch technique is sound and the weight feels comfortable, consider adding 5 lb to the bar after completing each set of snatches.
*The load is a suggested starting point. If you are completing all of the tests in the foundations division, you are free to decrease or increase the load as your skill level allows.
Setup & Equipment Needed for Open Workout #3
Here's the equipment list you need to complete the workout:
- Tape to mark the floor
- Barbell*
- Bumper plates
- Collars
- Jump rope
- Floor space
- Wall space
* The official weight is in pounds.
For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms for the snatches are:
- 15 kg (35 lb)
- 20 kg (45 lb)
- 25 kg (55 lb)
- 29 kg(65 lb)
- 34 kg (75 lb)
- 38 kg (85 lb)
- 43 kg (95 lb)
- 52 kg (115lb)
- 56 kg (125 lb)
- 61 kg (135 lb)
- 70 kg (155 lb)
- 83 kg (185lb)
- 102 kg (225 lb)
The Standards For Open 23.3
Prior to starting the test, follow the instructions in the movement standards for wall walks and strict handstand press ups as well as taking note of the floor plan (as shown below). The standards have once again changed - don’t let them catch you out.
You can read more from on the exact standards here.To start the workout, you must start on the far side of the 8-foot line facing the wall.
After “3, 2, 1, … go,” move to the wall and complete 5 wall walks.
Then, cross over the 8-foot line and complete 50 double-unders.
Next, move to the barbell and complete 15 snatches at the first weight.
Then, repeat the sequence of 5 wall walks and 50 double-unders, then 12 snatches at the second weight.
What happens if you complete the 12 snatch at the second weight before the 6-minute time cap?
You add 3 minutes to the time cap and immediately continue with 20 strict handstand push-ups, 50 double-unders, and 9 snatches at the third weight.
You do not need to wait until the 6-minute mark to begin the strict handstand push-ups.
What happens if you complete the 9 snatch before the 9-minute time cap?
Once again, you add 3 minutes to the time cap and immediately continue with 20 strict handstand push-ups, 50 double-unders, and 6 snatches at the final weight.
You do not need to wait until the 9-minute mark to begin the strict handstand push-ups.
How Do You Score Your CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout?
If the athlete completes all of the reps under the time cap, their score will be the total time taken to complete the test.
If the athlete reaches the time cap before completing all of the reps, their score will be the total number of reps completed.
What Happens If There's a Tiebreak for 23.3 Open Workout?
Please note there is a number of actions that you will need your judges to do you in case of a tiebreak situation:
- The time should be recorded after the completion of each set of snatches.
- If the athlete does not complete the test before the time cap, when they log their score they will enter the total number of reps they completed as well as the time at which they completed their last full set of snatches.
In the case of a tie (i.e., athletes complete the same number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.
Also note: Do NOT use a countdown timer.
In Summary
Be sure to head over to our ultimate strategy for 23.3 Open workout to get the best score your first time doing it or to improve your redo!
Get our free strategy guides emailed right to your inbox every week. These strategy guides consist of bonus content for the scaled divisions, additional strategies and tips that we develop throughout the weekend, and mental prep notes!Finally, GOOD LUCK! This is the last workout in the CrossFit 2023 Open - make it your best one yet.
The only links you need for the 2023 CrossFit Open:
Blog: 23.3 Open Announcement: How To Watch It
Blog: 23.3 Open Workouts & Standards
Blog: 23.3 Open Strategies and Tactics
Blog: 23.3 Open Strategies for Scaled and Masters Athletes
Blog: 23.3 Open Strategy Re-do
Blog: 23.2 Open Announcement: How To Watch It
Blog: 23.2 Open Workouts & Standards
Blog: 23.2 Open Strategies and Tactics
Blog: 23.2 Open Strategies for Scaled and Masters Athletes
Blog: 23.2 Open Strategy Re-do
Blog: CrossFit Open 23.1 Workout & Standards
Blog: CrossFit Open 23.1 Strategy & Tips
YouTube Video: CrossFit Open 23.1 Strategy & Tips
YouTube Video: CrossFit Open: 5 Stages of 23.1
CrossFit Season
Blog: Our Workout Predictions for the CrossFit Open Season 2023
Blog: 2023 CrossFit Season Changes You Can Expect
Blog: Top Tips for 2023 CrossFit Season
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